vendredi 25 janvier 2008

L'école des fées

J'ai réalisé ce visuel pour le concours de tee-shirt Sirokipik pour enfants sur le thème "le monde des fées".

The legend of Cupid

Usually Cupid aims his arrows at people, causing them to fall deeply in love.
But this year for St Valentin, Cupid decides to take care of himself.

For once he just wants to become the leading actor of a beautiful love story ...

dimanche 20 janvier 2008

Compter les moutons ... un peu trop longtemps !

"Counting the sheep ... for too long !"
This illustration is posted on Joe biscotte, vote for it and it may be edited as a postcard !

Vous aimez ? Votez !
En mettant plein d'étoiles ...
Elle deviendra carte postale !

mardi 15 janvier 2008

Comme un poisson dans l'eau

There is a french idiom saying "As a fish in the water" meaning that you feel very comfortable.
When it's raining, under my umbrella, I feel "comme un poisson dans l'eau" ! And so are these little birds and butterflies. The flying swimming fishes doesn't worry about this little rain ...

samedi 12 janvier 2008

Stitching "Thank you"

A nice way to thank, don't you think ?
If you like this illustration, it could be, with the help of your votes,
edited as a postcard. It's here : Joe biscotte

vendredi 11 janvier 2008

Avoir les pieds sur terre

Après "Avoir la tête dans les nuages", "avoir les pieds sur terre" ...

After "To have the head in the clouds" (meaning : to be dreaming) with giraffes, here is "To have foot on earth" (meaning : to be realistic) with birds !

You like it ? Vote for it !

samedi 5 janvier 2008

Resolution for 2008 : 100 % dreaming

To dream more and more !
Avoir la tête dans les nuages ...

vendredi 4 janvier 2008

The Best of 2007

I wish you a happy new year !
This illustration is for the "Inspire me thursday" weekly theme : "the best of 2007".

The best thing that happened to me in 2007 was living in Ireland and get a lot of inspiration with my new life !
Here is an example with this year greetings card.